Master the Art of Cooking Perfect Microwave Pork Chops!

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Cooking pork chops in the microwave is an innovative way to enjoy a delicious, juicy meal without all the hassle of stovetop or oven cooking.

Whether you’re looking for an easy weeknight dinner or need to get a more complicated meal on the table in no time at all, microwaving your pork chops will deliver mouth-watering results with minimal effort.

From simply seasoned and lightly fried options to boldly flavored and crisp versions, each type can be made quickly and evenly cooked using this kitchen essential appliance.

Get ready to make some of the tastiest microwave pork chops your family has ever tried!

Microwave Pork Chops Recipe


  • 4 pork chops, about ½ inch thickness
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • Salt and pepper to taste


1. Place the pork chops in a single layer on a microwave-safe plate or dish.

2. Drizzle each chop with olive oil and sprinkle with garlic powder, salt, and pepper.

3. Cook in the microwave for 4 minutes per side (or 8 minutes total).

4. Let stand for 3 minutes before serving.

📝 Note: If your pork chops are thicker than ½ inch, you may need to add more cooking time. Additionally, if you prefer more well-done pork chops, increase cooking time by 1 minute per side.

Enjoy your delicious, easy-to-make microwave pork chops! Serve them with a side of mashed potatoes or roasted vegetables for an even more satisfying meal. Bon appétit!

How to Prepare Pork Chops for Microwave Cooking

Pork chops are a classic dish that can be cooked in many different ways. One of the easiest and most convenient methods is in the microwave.

But before you start microwaving your pork chops, it’s important to choose the right cut of meat and properly prepare it for cooking.

Here’s how to prepare pork chops for microwave cooking.

Choosing the Right Pork Chops

Source: Allrecipes

The first step in preparing pork chops for microwave cooking is choosing the right cut of meat.

The best pork chops for microwaving are boneless, thin-cut chops. These cuts of meat cook quickly and evenly in the microwave. They also have less fat and gristle, making them easier to eat.

When selecting pork chops, look for chops that are less than one inch thick. Thicker chops will take longer to cook and may not cook evenly in the microwave.

You should also choose chops that are similar in size and thickness so that they cook at the same rate.

Prepping the Pork Chops for the Microwave

Once you’ve chosen the right pork chops, it’s time to prep them for cooking. Here’s how to do it:

Step 1: Season the Pork Chops

Before cooking your pork chops, you’ll want to season them with your favorite spices and seasonings.

You can use a simple blend of salt, pepper, and garlic powder, or get creative with your own spice blend.

Rub the seasoning onto both sides of the pork chops, making sure to cover the entire surface of the meat.

This will help to enhance the flavor of the pork chops and make them more delicious.

Step 2: Add Moisture

One of the biggest challenges of cooking pork chops in the microwave is keeping them moist. To help lock in moisture, you can add a little bit of liquid to the dish.

You can use chicken broth, beef broth, or even water. Pour a small amount of liquid into the dish, just enough to cover the bottom. Then, place the pork chops on top of the liquid.

Step 3: Cover the Dish

Cover the dish with a microwave-safe lid or plastic wrap. This will help to create steam inside the dish, which will help to keep the pork chops moist. Make sure to leave a small vent in the cover to allow steam to escape.

How To Microwave Pork Chops: A Step-By-Step Guide

Steps to Microwave Pork Chops

Now that you know how to prepare pork chops for microwave cooking, it’s time to get cooking. Here are the steps:

Step 4: Cook in the Microwave
Source: WikiHow

Now it’s time to cook the pork chops in the microwave. Place the dish in the microwave and set the cooking time.

  • Place the prepared pork chops in a single layer on a microwave-safe plate or dish.
  • Cover the dish with a microwave-safe lid or plastic wrap and leave a small vent for steam to escape.
  • Cook in the microwave for 4 minutes per side (or 8 minutes total).

For boneless pork chops that are less than one inch thick, you’ll want to microwave them on high for 6-8 minutes. If your chops are thicker, adjust the cooking time accordingly.

Step 5: Check the Temperature

Once the pork chops are done cooking, check their temperature to make sure they’re cooked through.

Use an instant-read thermometer to measure the internal temperature of each chop. The safe minimum internal temperature for pork is 145°F (63°C).

If the pork chops haven’t reached this temperature yet, put them back in the microwave and continue to cook until they reach a safe temperature.

Step 6: Let Rest and Serve

Once the pork chops are fully cooked, remove them from the microwave and let them rest for a few minutes. This will give the meat time to reabsorb the juices, making it more tender and flavorful.

Serving Ideas 

Now that you know how to prepare pork chops for microwave cooking, it’s time to serve them!

Pork chops are delicious served with a variety of sides.

Serve your microwaved pork chops with mashed potatoes, rice pilaf, steamed vegetables, or roasted vegetables for an even more satisfying meal.

Bon appétit!

More Microwave Cooking Guide

Nutrition Information

One 4-ounce cooked pork chop has approximately 170 calories, 7 grams of fat, 25 grams of protein, and 0 carbs.

Pork chops are an excellent source of lean protein and can be a healthy addition to any meal.

Pork chops are also a good source of many essential vitamins and minerals such as thiamin, zinc, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, and selenium.

Eating pork chops regularly may help to promote bone health and provide the body with important nutrients for overall wellness. Enjoy!

Microwaving pork chops is a quick and easy way to prepare a delicious meal. By choosing the right pork chops and properly preparing them for the microwave, you can create a tasty and tender dish that everyone will love.

So next time you’re looking for a quick and easy dinner idea, give microwaved pork chops a try!

Tips on How to Ensure Perfectly Cooked Pork Chops Every Time 

✅ Buy quality pork chops. Look for pork chops that are firm, moist, and pale pink with plenty of marbling throughout. If possible, buy organic, pasture-raised pork chops from a reputable source.

✅ Trim any fat off the edges of the pork chop before cooking to prevent an unpleasant texture or flavor.

✅ To ensure even cooking, make sure the pork chops are all roughly the same thickness and size.

✅ Season your pork chops generously with salt and pepper before microwaving them to help bring out their flavor. You can also experiment with herbs or other spices for added flavor.

✅ Cover your dish when microwaving the pork chops to help keep them tender and juicy.

✅ Check your pork chops for doneness by cutting into one to make sure the center is cooked through. If needed, continue microwaving in 30-second increments until done.

✅ Let your pork chops rest for a few minutes before serving to allow the juices to reabsorb and make the meat more tender and flavorful.

✅ Add extra flavor with a sauce or glaze when you’re finished cooking.

✅ Serve your pork chops with a variety of sides such as mashed potatoes, rice pilaf, or steamed vegetables for an even more satisfying meal. Enjoy!

Benefits of Cooking Pork Chops in the Microwave

Cooking pork chops can be a daunting task, but with the help of a microwave, it can be quick, easy, and delicious. 

We will discuss some of the benefits of cooking pork chops in the microwave.
1. Saves Time

One of the most significant benefits of cooking pork chops in the microwave is that it saves time.

Cooking pork chops in the oven or on the stovetop can take up to 30-40 minutes, but cooking them in the microwave takes only about 10 minutes.

This means that you can have a delicious meal on the table in no time, making it the perfect option for busy weeknights.

2. Retains Moisture

Cooking pork chops in the microwave helps retain the moisture in the meat.

Since microwaves cook food by heating the water molecules, the pork chops are cooked from the inside out, which helps to retain the natural juices and flavors.

This means that you are left with a tender and juicy pork chop that is bursting with flavor.

3. Easy Clean-Up

Another great benefit of cooking pork chops in the microwave is that it is easy to clean up. Unlike cooking in the oven or on the stovetop, which can leave a mess on your cookware, cooking in the microwave is a clean and simple process.

All you need is a microwave-safe dish, and you’re good to go. Plus, since you are cooking the pork chops in their own juices, there is no need to add any oils or fats, which minimizes the clean-up even further.

4. Healthier Option

Cooking pork chops in the microwave is also a healthier option compared to other cooking methods.

Since you are not adding any additional oils or fats, the pork chops are cooked in their natural juices, which reduces the overall fat content.

Additionally, since the cooking time is shorter, the nutrients and vitamins in the pork chops are retained, making it a healthier option for you and your family.

5. Versatile

Finally, cooking pork chops in the microwave is a versatile option.

  • You can season the pork chops with any herbs or spices you like, making it a great way to experiment with different flavors.
  • You can also add vegetables or potatoes to the same dish, which will cook at the same time, saving you even more time in the kitchen.

Cooking pork chops in the microwave may not be the most traditional method, but it certainly has its benefits. From time-saving to even cooking and retaining moisture, this quick and easy cooking method is definitely worth a try.

So, next time you’re in a rush and need to whip up a meal, consider cooking pork chops in the microwave for a tasty and juicy result.

Creative Alternatives to Traditional Microwave Pork Chops Recipes 

If you’re looking for a new and creative twist on traditional pork chop recipes, there are plenty of ways to get creative in the kitchen.

Here are some fun ideas that will take your pork chops from ordinary to extraordinary!

1. Bacon-Wrapped Pork Chops

For an elevated version of basic pork chops, try wrapping them in bacon before cooking. This not only adds flavor but helps to keep the meat juicy and tender.

Simply wrap each pork chop in two slices of bacon, place them on a microwave-safe dish, and cook according to instructions.

The result is an irresistible meal that everyone will love!

2. Stuffing and Herb-Crusted Pork Chops

Take your pork chops up a notch by stuffing them with your favorite herbs and spices.

Start by creating the stuffing using diced onion, garlic, parsley, rosemary, thyme, and any other herbs you love.

Once the stuffing is complete, stuff each pork chop generously and coat in a mix of breadcrumbs and herbs.

Then place on a microwave-safe dish and cook according to instructions for an elevated take on traditional pork chops.

3. BBQ Pork Chops

For a delicious twist on classic BBQ flavors, try making barbeque flavored pork chops in the microwave!

Start by marinating each pork chop in your favorite BBQ sauce for at least 30 minutes (or overnight if possible). Place the marinated pork chops on a microwave safe dish and cook according to instructions.

The result is an irresistible dish that’s sure to be a hit with the whole family!

4. Sweet and Sour Pork Chops

For a tangy take on pork chops, try making sweet and sour pork chops in the microwave.

Start by marinating each pork chop in a mixture of pineapple juice, soy sauce, sugar, garlic, ginger, red pepper flakes, and green onion for at least 30 minutes (or overnight if possible).

Place the marinated pork chops on a microwave-safe dish and cook according to instructions for a delicious Asian-inspired meal.

With these creative alternatives to traditional microwave pork chop recipes, you can have an elevated dinner on the table in no time!

So next time you’re in a rush and need to whip up something special, try one of these easy recipes for guaranteed success.

Happy cooking! 🙂

FAQs on Microwave Pork Chops Recipe

Can you cook frozen pork chops?

Yes, you can cook frozen pork chops in the microwave. However, it is important to note that cooking time may vary depending on how thick your pork chops are and the wattage of your microwave.

It may be a good idea to do some research online or consult with a professional chef for more detailed instructions on how to safely and properly thaw and cook frozen pork chops.

How long does it take to cook pork chops in the microwave?

When cooking pork chops in the microwave, generally speaking they will take about 8-10 minutes per side (or 16-20 minutes total) to thoroughly cook through.

However, this time may vary depending on the size and thickness of your pork chop so it’s important to check with a thermometer or by cutting into the pork chop to make sure it is cooked through.

How do you keep pork chops moist in the microwave?

One of the best ways to keep pork chops moist while cooking in the microwave is to wrap each chop in bacon prior to cooking. This will help seal in moisture as well as add flavor.

Additionally, marinating your pork chops before cooking can also help to infuse flavor and maintain moisture while cooking.

What temperature should I cook pork chops in the microwave?

When cooking pork chops in the microwave, it is important to ensure they are cooked through until their internal temperature reaches 145°F (63°C). You can use a meat thermometer or a digital kitchen thermometer to check this.

If you don’t have either of these, you can also test for doneness by cutting into the pork chop and ensuring there is no pink in the middle.

Can I add vegetables or potatoes when cooking pork chops in the microwave?

Yes! Adding vegetables or potatoes when cooking pork chops in the microwave is an easy way to make a complete meal. Just be sure to cut them into even pieces so they cook at the same rate as the pork chop.

Are microwaved pork chops healthy?

Microwaving pork chops is an excellent way to retain moisture and nutrients. This makes it a great option if you’re looking for a healthy and quick cooking method. Be sure to pair your pork chops with plenty of vegetables for a balanced meal.

Final Thoughts

In the end, it’s up to you to decide what kind of pork chop you’d like to cook in the microwave. The process is surprisingly easy and convenient, making it an ideal choice when you don’t have time for a lengthy cooking session.

With just a few simple steps and minimal prep work, you can turn out flavorful, juicy pork chops in no time. And thanks to its versatility in terms of flavors and seasonings, everyone at the table can enjoy a customized meal that caters to their tastes.

So why not give microwave-cooked pork chops a try? You might be surprised just how delicious they can be!

We hope this article has helped you to learn how to microwave pork chops. Thanks for reading!

Happy cooking! 🙂

Vinoteca author Barbara


Hi friends, I'm Barbara. I'm a food addictor who loves cooking! If you're looking for easy cooking tips, nutrition advice and reliable kitchen appliance reviews, you've come to the right place. At Vinoteca, we'll help you learn everything you need to know to make delicious meals at home.